5 Ways You Can Burn Calories Without Exercising
Would you believe me if I told you that you can burn calories without exercising? Yes, there are many simple daily activities that you can do to help you burn calories easily without doing any strenuous exercise. Don’t get me wrong exercising is still important, but without you realizing there are many day-to-day activities that […]
Resistance Band Side Kick & Back Kick Movement Tutorial
Band Side Kick strengthenss your glute medius whereas Band Back Kick targets mainly your glute maximus. Begin standing upright with both feet shoulder-width apart. Place your resistance band above your ankle. Side kick can be performed by kicking one leg to your side. Back kick is done by extending one leg to your back. Imagine your […]
5 Ways Keep Your Immune System Healthy
Your immune system’s job to defend your body against illness and disease. We’ve been told that one of the key factors that can help us battle Covid-19 is having a good immune system. Besides that, a strong immune system is going to help you boost your metabolism and help you burn fat effectively. Now, some […]
How To Do Floor Bridge Correctly For Stronger Glute
Glute Bridge/Floor Bridge/Hip Extension is a great movement to strengthen our your glute. Begin in a supine position, straighten both arms next to your body and place your heel slightly in front of your fingers. We begin raising your hips up until your knees, hips and shoulders form a straight line and return down. Imagine […]
How To Do Bird Dog For Stronger Core
Bird Dog is one of my all-time favourite movement to strengthen our core. Begin in a quadruple position, your shoulders are directly over your wrists, and your hips are directly over your knees. We begin by lifting your left arm and right leg off the mats, then slowly return back and repeat the same to […]
At-Home Upper Body Strength Workout
This 30 minutes upper body workout includes common movements targeting your chest, shoulder, and biceps and triceps. These movements are perfect if you’re just getting back to strength training after a long break or you’re new to resistance training. Compound Set A: A1: Back Row x 15 A2: Reverse Flyer x 20 Compound Set B: B1: Floor Chest Press […]
How To Do Mountain Climbers Properly
Mountain climber is a great movement to strengthen your abdominals, glutes, legs, triceps, shoulders. Begin in a plank position with feet hip-width apart and your fingers facing forward. Ensure your wrist, elbow and shoulder are aligned. Bring your knee toward your elbow. Repeat this movement with the opposite leg. A regression is bringing your knee […]